How Is Aesthetics Used in Web Design

Are you wondering what is the point of web design when you're on the web? Maybe you don't even really know what it is? You are probably thinking that it must certainly be related to the graphics or the aesthetics of a site … You are almost there, but it is much more subtle. Read on to find out everything! 👇

This anglicism refers to website design. But this is more about the visible part of the latter than the computer code that is used to create it.

Despite everything, webdesign is not just about the graphics of your site, even if its influence is important for your branding, your brand image.

This design is also the way to facilitate the visit and consultation of your content. It must make sure that the visitor is comfortable there, that he does not have the impression of being lost … or – worse – of being in the wrong place! (For example if your site seems too amateurish.)

Web design is also marketing. Always remember that your website is a primary marketing tool. It represents your brand, your product and how it works.

In your opinion, what is the primary use of your site design?

It's about grabbing the attention of your visitors and converting them to their purpose.

In a fraction of a second, your visitor decides whether or not to stay. Your design plays a major role in its decision, even if it is unconscious.

I like to think of web design as a handshake and facial expressions of someone you've just met.

A firm and respectful handshake, accompanied by a face with a big sincere smile, gives us confidence and prompts us to discover this person.

The design of a website should convey the same emotions. It should give consumers confidence to know more about your business. It needs to put your visitors at ease directly.

Let's go a little deeper into the subject. So let's see the fundamentals of web design and its importance in your digital strategy.

What is web design after all?

Your website is above all a communication tool. It allows your user to have a pleasant experience thanks to its aesthetics, ergonomics and other factors that we will see a little later.

Yes, you have to think about user experience above all else! This is the fundamental concept around web design.

Ask yourself the following questions before creating your site:

  • What is the main objective?
  • Is it just increasing my notoriety?
  • collect leads?
  • sell my products?
  • What is my target looking for?
  • Who exactly is this target?
  • What are his questions?
  • What are its motivations and its obstacles?
  • How am I going to respond to these items?
  • What would be the ideal user journey?
  • Depending on whether the audience is hot (who already know me and / or my brand quite well) or cold.

It is important to do this study so that your message is conveyed as clearly as possible to your visitors.

If you want to capture emails, you're not going to make a "Christmas tree" site that makes you want to click everywhere! 🎄

Do you have a specific goal? Is the visitor on the page for this one? It is counterproductive to distract your visitors with links, menus, other content all around. However, this is a mistake that can be found on the vast majority of websites!

And this is just one of the lines of thought around your web design.

This contributes and also brings a touch of professionalism in the way you convey your marketing message.

It must have a good graphic design, it must be fluid, have good content that is well presented, etc. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

What does a web designer do?

Concretely, the web designer highlights your content in visual form using colors, images and texts to attract the attention of your visitors. It expresses your ideas and takes care of the creative part of your site.

But as I've implied before, it's not just visual.

To become a good web designer, you need to bring together several skills. In graphic design, of course, but also in marketing and ergonomics.

In addition, some notions in website design are essential to be able to work effectively with the web developer during the realization of the project.

The web designer takes care of:

  • the organization of the pages
  • ease of navigation
  • each item displayed so that the most important are better highlighted (in order of reading)
  • accessibility
  • adaptability
  • some optimizations for search engines
  • interactivity with the visitor
  • the formatting and arrangement of the content
  • as well as respect for colors, fonts and images (by following the graphic charter provided to it).

We even talk about interactional architecture on Wikipedia … (I'll leave it to you to consult the official definition on their site.)

In addition, whatever the medium used (tablet, smartphone, computer), the web designer must take it into account, in particular for reasons of ergonomics and usability.

Ultimately, these are all aspects that contribute to the look and functionality of your site.

You see: many think that the design of a site comes down to respecting a graphic charter and that it "is cool and pretty". 😍

It's really much more complete.

The two main principles of web design :

As I explained to you, webdesign brings together several skills with different objectives.

It is a process that is based on two fundamental principles: UCD and UX.

But what are those technical terms that don't even make you want to know more? Do not go ! You will see, it is very simple. 🤗

User Centered Design: user-centered design :

There, we already understand a little better. It's about making the user the center of our attention.

As I told you a little earlier, we take into account their motivations and their obstacles. We meet his needs. But, knowing our persona well, we base it on the way he thinks and makes a decision.

To create a UCD design, the web designer works in 4 phases.

1- Understanding of the context.
2- Definition of user requirements.
3- Creation of a first design.
4- User evaluation and optimization. This is where the second acronym comes into play …

UX: the user experience

Basically, this is all about the interaction between the user and the site.

We are of course talking about ergonomics, iconography, but also visitor satisfaction by improving accessibility and usability.

To always optimize, you can rely on various analyzes.

  • Heat Map: the heat map of your site. It shows where users click.
  • Scroll map: how far do users go on the page?
  • Mouse Tracking: Where do people move their mice?

But remember, the human side is still the most important. Observe test groups and get feedback from your visitors.

Why is web design so important for your site?

First of all, he's the one who gives a good impression from the start!

Do you know what they say? The first impression is the right one!

Then, it allows your site to be more engaging and to distinguish you from your competition. It showcases your brand, your branding and your skills in a much more professional way.

What do you think of a site that looks old-fashioned?

That the site is not being maintained, that it is outdated, that the business must be in trouble, or even that it has closed its doors. Doesn't inspire confidence, does it?

Also put yourself in the shoes of your visitors when you visit your site. Content should be easy to navigate and engaging.

Don't forget to test. Seek advice from your audience, if you already have one.

Ultimately, web design improves your conversion rates and that is arguably the most important reason. Your site is not used to flatter your ego, but to accomplish goals. These must be quantifiable and measurable.

This is where we understand that Web Designer is a real profession in its own right. It doesn't improvise overnight. It takes being well trained and mastering many skills.

You now know a little more about web design, its objectives and its impact on the profitability of your business. Did that give you any ideas? Ways of improving your site (existing or under construction)?

How Is Aesthetics Used in Web Design


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