BioWare Would "Love to Revisit" Jade Empire


Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2 are getting all the attention but BioWare's Mike Laidlaw says the studio would also "love" the opportunity to take another crack at Jade Empire.

IT's been more than quaternion years since Jade Empire first turned au courant the Xbox and while it May non have had the aforementioned impact as games ilk Neverwinter Nights or Tidy sum Gist, fans continue to keep up outgoing trust for more. Apparently that trust isn't entirely destitute; the game is still popular with BioWare staffers and Laidlaw, the lead designer happening the upcoming Draco Age: Origins, recently said the company is interested in picking it up once more at some point in the future.

"We haven't announced anything on Wear out Empire 2 yet," atomic number 2 aforesaid when asked by Scheme Informer about the possibility of a sequel. "IT's pretty much atomic number 102 comment. But, you know, we will certainly announce it if it's going to be coming out."

"At this point, Jade Empire is a staff favorite and a great deal of us love it, so we'd lie with to revisit it at approximately point," he added. "But right now, we are real focused on Dragon Age and Mass Set up 2."

More Jade Empire? In person I'd rather see more Baldur's Gate but that's at least in part thanks to my bitterness over the fact that it took two days for the bet on to pertain the PC. (Which is also my excuse for having not yet bought it.) What do you think? Is Jade Empire 2 a success or upright a good-natured nerd fantasy that will never touch on perish?


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